Sharon Nolan

My name is Sharon Nolan. I am a Professional Executive and Personal Coach, credentialed to ACC level by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). As a coach, I partner with individuals to identify areas in their life for growth and development, and to work with them towards achieving these goals and realising their greater potential. Central to my coaching philosophy is that people are the expert on themselves. My role as a coach is to facilitate individuals, through a forward-moving and transformative process, to tap into their own inner wisdom in a safe, non-judgemental space.

I am an MBA graduate with significant experience of working in leadership and management roles in fast paced, dynamic work environments. I have extensive experience in growing and developing teams, organisational growth and change always  with a focus on a person centred approach.


I partner with clients to offer one to one coaching online which offers greater flexibility to clients from different geographical areas and time zones. This can either be Executive Coaching through an Organisation or Personal coaching.  I also offer in person, tailor made workshops to clients in Ireland.

How it works

If you are interested in working with me, please reach out to request an initial ‘Chemistry call’. This is a no cost and no obligation call to see if we are the right fit to work together.  If we decide to work together for coaching, we would typically work together over four sessions on a defined piece of work. If the enquiry relates to workshops, these would be designed and delivered to client specifications.


My employer offered coaching on a 1 to 1 basis this year and I signed up not knowing what to expect. From my very first conversation with Sharon, I felt at ease and excited albeit apprehensive to start the coaching process. The whole experience has been incredibly eye-opening and life- altering. I felt so comfortable with Sharon from the offset and she was a constant source of support, motivation and encouragement. I feel like I am a very open person, but Sharon was able to guide me to open up even more and express my goals along with the roadblocks I usually put in place. The accountability and the knowledge that I have the power to improve my life and meet my goals has been really transformative and I could not recommend Sharon enough! She’s so fabulous; she’s passionate and empathetic and such a wonderful listener. I am delighted to have made progress towards my goals (and smash some) and I’ll use the skills I’ve learned in coaching regularly. Regardless of your profession, the stage of your life, or whether or not you believe you need a coach or not, you should get one and it should be Sharon.


Coaching was something I was hesitant to do as I had very little understanding of the area prior to working with Sharon. Sharon created a comfortable space within which she guided me through my coaching journey, allowing me to discover areas I wanted to focus on and guiding me towards self-driven solutions. I would highly recommend Sharon to anyone considering coaching in a personal or professional capacity.


The experience was quite transformative for me. From the first session, I could see the benefit of the work and Sharon’s approach. The main benefits for me were the ability to gain perspective on and insight into behaviours, habits and performance. Once this awareness and understanding was built, I could much more clearly see where performance and consistency, personally and professionally, was being impacted. Sharon’s expertly and patiently guided the process in a way that helped me to access these important learnings but without losing agency over where I wanted the conversations or sessions to go. As a result of this, I feel that I am more present, empathic and consistent in my performance day-to-day at home and in work. I have seen how I can recognise and challenge my personal biases and predispositions in engaging with colleagues, thus being a more effective practitioner and manager. Personally, I feel more in tune with my emotions and more aware of my behaviours and how they impact my actions, relationships and day-to-day life. I can’t recommend this enough. 


In such a short space of time, Sharon brought focus and direction to my business, alleviating stress and making goals clearer and attainable.
